Saturday 2 October 2010


Write a Seven Episode Sketch Show

Last's week project proved to be a failure, though not an abject one; however, 13,122 words clearly isn't enough (not enough, you say? Certainly not when the target was between 70,000 and 100,000). So, I've set myself a slightly more achievable target this week, of writing seven episodes for a sketch, all that their full half-hour length. Since this requires all my humorous faculties to be aligned, there is every chance this one could fail too.

But watch this space. On the topic of space (lovely segueway coming up here), I have recently becomed interested in Carl Sagan, the late, eminent astronomer. I found out about him mainly through "Robin and Josies' Utter Shambles" , click the link to download their podcasts or alternatively subscribe (for free!) from the Itunes store. But anyway, enough of that. Let Sagan's voice wash over you, or something to that effect.

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